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16 February 2012

ODTUG Hyperion SIG Newsletter -- It's Free!

Do you get it?
It's free.  Do you get it as an email?  If you don't, you can sign up as an associate ODTUG member, log into your account, and then add EPM to your professional interest area.  (Thanks, Crystal).

Or you can just click here and view this quarter's issue, but this isn’t a dynamic link, i.e., there'll be another one next quarter and this link won't be it.  Welcome to the new and novel invention called email.  As I wrote above, it's yours for the asking.

This issue’s content

  • Awwww, a love note from ODTUG.  And I lurv you right back.  I do, really.  :)  Note this blog post.  At least it’s not unrequited love.
  • A note about the Hyperion SIG regional conference in Arlington, TX.  There are some big names there.  Did I mention it was free?
  • A note about the KSCope Early Bird deadline plus some sample letters to make the request stick with your boss.  Free yet again.  It’s like a bunch of talented people in our industry are trying to help you.  For free.  Think about it.  Yes, it is awesome.
  • A preview/teaser of tracks and highlighted sessions.  I know you are *all* going to be there, right?  Right?

So far, just marketing, not that there's anything wrong with that.  Actually, it's quite a bit more than marketing  This all feeds back into the ODTUG-is-awesome theme we all know (or should) so well. 

Now for the Truly Good Stuff:

  • Oracle Support Corner – How to Create a Service Request so that it actually gets answered - This is the Real Deal, as written by someone from Oracle.  Cool stuff. 
  • Oracle Ace Corner – A book review by yr. obdnt. srvnt of Oracle Essbase 11 Development Cookbook by Jose Ruiz.
  • Best of the blogs -- John Booth (the owner of the newsletter) has gone through recent blog posts and compiled a list of some of the more interesting blog posts, including, ahem, this blog.  John, the check for $20,000 is in the mail.  :)  

What does it look like?

Here’s a snippet out of my inbox:


If you don't get this, you really ought to.  There's good stuff here and it is 100% free.  What's not to like?

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